療效藥草茶 Signature Herbal Remedies (500ml Bottles)
補補寶寶茶 Herbal Tonic Tea
補氣,補血,溫補氣血,滋陰升陽,益氣補中,健脾養胃,補血調經,補而不滯,活瘀而不破,糾正和減輕貧血,增強免疫功能,固表止汗。Herbal Tonic Tea+HP+MPInvigorating spleen and replenishing Qi, nourishing blood and regulating menstruation, good for anemia, enhance immunity.純素 Vegan無糖 Sugar Free一樽等於2劑杯份量,要分兩次飲用,先飲一半至樽身磨砂位置, 隔4小時再飮另一半。小孩份量減半。2 servings in 1 bottle. Drink the first half until the matte area of the bottle, consume the last half after 4 hours. Half serving for children.$85.00
日常保健涼茶 Herbal Wellness Tonic Teas (500ml Bottles)
廿四味 24-Herbs Tea
清熱去實火,無糖 Release Inner Heat from Your Body, Anti-inflammatory$35.00五花茶 Five-flowered Tea
清熱明目,手機上癮,電腦過度。Flower scented tea, traditional Hong Kong flavor, support liver functions and protect eyes health.$35.00桂圓紅棗枸杞子茶 Red date, Longan and Goji Berry Tea
滋補氣血,安神助眠 Replenishing blood and calming$55.00清潤羅漢果 Siraitia Grosvenorii (Monk Fruit) Tea
生津潤喉,清熱潤肺,無糖 Soothes throat and norishes fluild production$35.00玫瑰花茶 Rose Tea
行氣解鬱,和血止痛 Relieve stagnation and relieve menstrual pain$35.00花旗參茶 American-ginseng Tea
滋陰補氣、清熱降火、寧神益智 Norishing your body and balancing inner heat$76.00冰山劈開茶 (桂花薑茶) Ginger, Osmanthus and Cinnamon Tea (樽裝 500ml)
驅寒暖身,補火助陽。適合手腳冰冷,吹風受寒,淋雨濕身,觀星露營。本產品是溫茶,燥熱人士不宜飲用。純素 Vegan$36.00冬瓜檸檬茶 White Gourd and Lemon Tea 樽裝500ml
良茶隅 x 九份茶舍清新台茶口味清熱利水,解暑熱,消水腫,解渴。$36.00
雪梨膏 Honey Pear Paste
雪梨膏 Honey Pear Paste (100g)
$108.00雪梨膏 Honey Pear Paste (300g)
薑蜜 Ginger Honey
薑蜜 Ginger Honey (100g)
$88.00薑蜜 Ginger Honey (300g)
紅棗蜜 Red Date Honey
紅棗蜜 Red Date Honey (100g)
$88.00紅棗蜜 Red Date Honey (300g)